Germantown Service Center

Call Us Today!
(855) 285-9787

Keep On Trucking With Our Auto Repair Services

Auto Repair in Germantown, Maryland

Germantown Service Center in Germantown, Maryland, is proud to offer efficient auto repair and vehicle maintenance services. Our business deals strictly with mechanical issues, including brake maintenance, oil changes, and engine repair services.

The Auto Service You Need

Unlike other repair specialists, our business provides honest services at an honest price. It does not matter if you drive a regular car, an SUV, or a light truck, we can handle your repair and get your car out the door without charging you an arm and a leg.

Contact Us Today:

Experience You Can Trust

For more than 25 years, our staff has been providing efficient auto repair services to the community. We are dedicated to assisting you and work hard to make sure that your car gets back on the road in no time. Our business is known for its fast and efficient services.

(855) 285-9787

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Visit Our Location


Contact us in Germantown, Maryland, to request our services today.